Ain’t here for the quick thrill, am here for the long run... so I present to you, some long-term goals of the Nouns Blog!

  1. Creation of [cornerstone pieces]( articles are usually relatively,rather than to sell products.) and have explainer videos attached.

  2. Nouniverse Spotlight - Sub-DAO features

  3. Decentralized Blogging - This is tentative af but still gonna note it down (Thanks Cdt.eth for the awesome idea)

    Now this will be different from a “Discourse”. We don’t want this to end up as a proposal-making site, but more of a place to share Nounish revolutionary thoughts and ideas.

    I have a few ideas to preserve this traditional blog culture, while still not overcentralizing the blog.

    This is still a work in progress, and I’m still refining this De-Blog idea. Need da power of da pen to the Nounderz!!

  4. Nountionary - A BTW Idea

  5. Learn 2 Earn (L2E) - Rewarding the passionate learner!

An amazing idea as suggested by Sam Ellis, the Nouns Blog can implement a L2E system to reward passionate learners and thinkers.

I know, it’s ambitious.

But nothing’s too tough for the Nouns community.