Scrolling through the rather sizeable archive history of Discourse, I’m able to find a handful of “writing”-related projects.

A Nouns Comic, Nouns Poem, Nouns Children Book - All turned out pretty well!

Only a Nouns novel ended up with a heated debate between Goldy.eth and Kortelin, lol. That got replaced by the amazing Nouns Stories, still thriving with the Nouns lore today.


I’ve always been a sucker for great stories... but great sharings are equally enjoyable to read. In fact, it’s the IRL insights and ideas that get passed through opinion and educational pieces, ultimately making the Nouniverse more... intellectual.

<aside> 💡 If we got time for the literary, we surely have time for the literal. Right?!?


Instead of trying to prove why creating a Nouns Blog will be worth it, let me take a rather unorthodox approach. Addressing misconceptions first.


There are over 4 billion Google users.

Searching something on Google, 9/10 the first query is an article, or blog.

Go figure.

Helpful info on blogs:

P.S. This is also why we are working on a long term plan of creating explainer videos to go with articles.

More on this at Long Term Vision